Monthly Archives: March 2016

Your Sweet Spot

Your Sweet Spot in your personal life is the foundation for every aspect of your life.

When you bring Your Sweet Spot into your home, that Your sweet spotthen flows into every aspect of your life. Personal image of who you are is your sweet spot. Touching everything around you differently is your opportunity to make a new impression on yourself. This takes some practice that you enjoy because you begin to see results immediately. First person you want to impress is you. Finally you have permission to do that. You have been conditioned to impress everyone else by giving up your identity. When you impress yourself by connecting beyond your center that is the time you feel authentic. Your sweet spot softens what we refer to as ego.  Ego is that part of you that is in pain and seeking attention because that part of you has been neglected or made wrong.

Recognise pain of your soul.

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Benefits of Tantra is Self Study

Benefits of Tantra is Self Study is the courage to discover you.

Who you are defines your ability to bring into your life every dream you dreamBenefits of Tantra is Self Studyed empowered. Identifying the qualities you need to make that happen.

  • Self study has two vital components.
  • Inner reflection and realisation.
  • And outer awareness.
  • These need to be observed simultaneously to be effective. 
  • When looking inward it’s vital to develop ability to see how you are impacting people around you.
  • That means you need to be able to connect with the world around you as well.
  • When the two are linked, this is where life mastery begins. Continue reading