Katies Blog

Katies Blog explores the many types of Tantra’s. Quality connection to your partner, your life and the physical qualities of actual energies.

Find how to find truth when you open fully to observing the quality of your relationships. Going beyond self-centeredness. Beyond conformity. Beyond the mundane concepts of spirituality

We follow symbols and make sense of the symbols set up by systems.

Thousands of years of human evolution has resulted in us conforming to the social structures supposedly for the good of the community. The only way to have a healthy community is to have healthy individuals who are trained to pay attention.

When we pay attention to what we allow into our lives then there cannot be any conflict.

Elite Tantra blog is intentional. We research the depths of hate, love, bringing together energies of truth that lives within us. Inside our own body is an entire universe that is just as fractures and the outside world. We look at truth as it is and create truth of our own awareness.

Where there is pain, pleasure, division; love cannot exist.

What is love. How do we recognise Love. Is there such a thing.

Can love exist where there is sorrow, regret, failure. Challenges in relationships bring about conflict not only outside of us but inside our inner world. The guilt of doing what you do not love for a living creates division and sorrow. Suffering is high on our agenda within our blog. We want to show you where your suffering is. What you can do about stopping suffering.

To have love, we need to identify our suffering that is not yours. Suffering belongs to the world. People are seeking a way out of suffering. The pain of loneliness and sorrow is all around us. Lets begin with honesty and stop painting sorrow with pleasure and false words of love. Physical pain is not as damaging as the psychological pain of separation from love.

We need to address the sorrow but not switch the sorrow. We see it for what it is so this sorrow can lead us to solutions. Or if we just re-live our pain and our sorrow. If we scream in this new age emotional release that is popular, we are only accessing sorrow and pain. Suffering continues. We need to bring new feelings that make the change of how we can perceive love and living. We are attached to self pity and suffering because we cannot see all the joys that are available. These joys are within your own cells. But while you continue to focus on sorrow and guilt and regret, nothing new can entere.

We will not give you what everyone else of offering in emotional release only to relive the pain.

We bring you new possibilities and new feelings through new ways of living.

We begin to enjoy the world of nature purely and completely.

We have come to live on this earth to appreciate its beauty. What we are trapped in is our challenges of survival. When in pain of survival we cannot see the beauty around us. This will bring us back to live again on this earth til we learn to appreciate the very environment that we have come to be a part of. There is no need to come back into the same life. We can begin to love our life right now so we do not reincarnate to learn this lesson. It’s like repeating a class at school because you did not pay attention in the first year. In reincarnation we may repeat the same life thousands of times. Like repeating the class year thousands of times. To do that you need many lifetimes.

Lets begin to pay attention to this one year in your life. Set new foundations. Don’t continue to deceive ourselves in believing some foolish spirit energy is going to waste their time with you who refuses to see life for what it is. Do not leave future of your life up to some other authority whether here on earth of some god on the other side of life.

Our blog is dedicated to bringing you many experiences of people connecting to their own power.

Let yourself die the attachment to gurus who promise illumination and divine living somewhere out in the cosmos. It is their fantasy. Ask them how they know that. If they have a blueprint for you to follow, run as fast as you can. That is another form of manipulation. More rules and regulations do not make your free or enlightened. Every part of our blog is committed to freeing you from bondage of guru worship. To understand our blog it’s vital that we put aside all the information you have accumulated about what tantra is. In our blog we are committed to help you act right now so you do not have to have thousands more lives just like the one you are living in.

Please continue to explore our blog.

Take your time to listen to client audio videos who share their discovery of feelings that never would have even been considered.

This is not a spiritual blog that separates spirituality from life itself. You have direct access to the creator within you who will build new life patterns.

These videos may help you to put a new perspective of truth that will set you free.