Symbols energy

Symbols energy understanding what you are projecting by how you interpret the energy that movement and the meaning of symbols energy we bring into our life. through our life we bring forth all teachings we have accumulated from the teachings we have had until now. there comes a time when people begin to questions the meaning symbols energy has been given. Our teacher in ordinary life often just followed instructions given to them. Their teachers also just took on the truth of others. This time on earth most people have come together questioning the wisdom that has been given us.
As we continue to search we find that our teaches our guides who were the adults we looked up to we misguided simply by following instructions. Buddha as always said check the source and this includes checking my teachings – he said. Feel the feeling this knowledge brings up in you as symbols energy. That is your true path.
When you feel connected to freedom to explore your confusion that makes you believe how this moment appears to you.
We believe that there is a world out there that is separate from us. And this is how the world out there has been taught to us. When we feel disconnect we have a tendency to push each other away and wwe continue to support a belief system of separateness.
The confusion is ignorance of the nature of how things appear to us.
What is the meaning the foundation of your defensiveness. Defensiveness continues to perpetuate defensiveness and separateness.
When we restructure how we see symbols energy, we connect to how our inner world lives inside of us. We identify the illusion, we become mindful of the reactive self.
When you become mindful you experience freedom of choice.
We a no longer impulsive we become cooperative.
Identify what is there and what is not there There is nothing to get rid of – it has been our misinterpretation that our mind made up from the accumulation of how our world has been presented to us by people who could not see the connectedness.

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