Love expressions

Love expressions that build trust every day. Never pay generic compliments. Make sure you express specific qualities you actually admire about each other. Always be helpful. Specific love expressions never need to focus on encouraging words. Your actions are the supportive love expressions. Encouragement actually separates you.
Someone encouraging you is one who has not taken the steps themselves. It is almost robotic. They do not know how to do it themselves. Otherwise they would participate with you or find someone experienced to walk the new walk with them.

That’s not to suggest bringing in someone for advice. What we mean is; have them walk with them like a dance partner. Because love expressions shared are pleasure magnified a thousand fold.

Unless it’s a pet they can begin to enjoy alone. Even a pet needs someone who know how to care for it beyond just the physical senses. You will discover elements of you and your loved one you have never seen before.
This flies in the face of what is generally accepted form of love expressions.
What everyone needs is an extra pair of hands. Everyone else giving advice. You need to stand out as the person who is paying attention. Pay attention to what your loved one enjoy doing. Be careful that this is not the only thing you pay attention to. Everyone needs help in areas they are not expert at. For example; if your loved one loves a beautiful garden, make sure you support them with the environment they are seeking to maintain or create. Surprise them. If there is space, find a way to create a waterfall or a pond or a brook in the back yard. It need not be expensive. If money is an issue, find a way to make it yourself. Enlist in the help of a friend. Look it up on line. First make sure you heard them right. When you do that, have someone check the right location. Geomancy follows energy flow of your home. Put effort into what you are doing. Real consideration into love expressions is physical participation. You’ll get as much out of it as they will. The effort that pays off is the reward.
If you really want to make love expressions your daily joy. Find something wonderful every day to bring to your love. Not just on designated days.
People get stuck, frozen in time.

Remember as a toddler you wanted to explore your life fully every day. Remember how frustrated you got when adults limited you.

They did not know any better. They are some of the mindset that set up this restrictive way of living.
Get clarity as you begin to physically participate in your life. Up until now you have been living it mostly just through your mind. You can explore your life deeper when you have a loved one to share that with.

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