Connecting Body Mind Spirit Soul

Connecting Body Mind Spirit Soul Merges fractured parts of you to live together as one. When fractured cells and memories search for a place to belong they need support and safe place to be.

Within the physical bodywork all spirit elements are included. The ones that keep you awake at night. The ones that make you doubt yourself.

Viable, Rich foundation for Self-Empowerment.

When people feel confined to social norms and conditioning they begin to search for meaning. Connecting Body Mind Spirit Soul continue to separate. During the session we begin to build a link between where you are and what you seek. You begin discover what you’ve  adopted and what you have now embedded in your cellular memory as yours. The peaceful, the tired, the confused and  vengeful dynamics.

Our beginning session is designed to restore you back to your default. From there begins the process of uncovering your personal potential that is available to you in this lifetime. We begin much like the baby that begins to explore his/her world. You have never really had an opportunity to learn anything from your perspective. Baby meets the world in stages. Baby masters one stage for example – holding it’s head to playing with it’s feet – rolling over. This is like a rebirth on your terms. The terms you do not know through the intellect. Inside you is the intelligence that speaks by Connecting Body Mind Spirit Soul.

As much as the world wants to sell you the idea that it has the answers for you, it has not succeeded in making healthy happy humans. The series of rules and techniques that promise to make you a better lover, healthier relationships or more successful in business.

There is a common way of living, Or there is a fluid and complete complete tantra way of living when Connecting Body Mind Spirit Soul. In a Tantric way there are between 3,000,000 and 33 million god and goddess ways of interpreting life. To fully appreciate all feelings that are available to us on earth we would want to live millions of years. When we step out of the enforced structures society has placed upon us; our eyes are open. For twenty, fifty or even seventy years you’ve been compelled to do as you were told. By following set rules and techniques that stand alone. Seemingly unrelated to earth, your body, your soul. This has created a barrier between your cellular intelligence and your soul consciousness. You’re not just a bag of bones and flesh and a computer they called the brain.

The actual massage here is designed to bring all your personal spirits and souls that are all of you together. Your life comprises of many souls and spirits. In your being is soul and spirit of your soul. Soul and spirit of your mind. Soul and spirit of your emotions. Souls and spirits of each one of your organs. These are meant to be aligned with your human body.

Your soul envelops your entire being. by Connecting Body Mind Spirit Soul, you can actually feel and see your world more clearly. Your realisation that you have been living outside your soul and spirit is the foundation for instant healing. This realisation opens the doorway to deeper relationships and friendships. Connecting Body Mind Spirit Soul is key to being present in your relationship. This is a divine Shakti the people speak about. Shakti pouring into their body is the feeling that described in the videos.

Life as we know it has removed from us the memory of the spirit in the soul that came in with us. Time to reclaim the spiritual side of you so that can join your body.

Without Connecting Body Mind Spirit Soul you can never be a complete human being. By removing jealousy, arrogance, prejudice, hatred, anger, selfishness and greed is what sexual healing is really about. When we remove the physical and mental and emotional worldly problems this is when pleasure energies pulsate through your body. Goddess Durga is combination of all the gods. This is why the therapies here are so powerful.

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