Pleasures Merging Beyond your five senses

There are at least 21 senses that take you Beyond your five senses; this is just a beginning

Within each of the five senses there are further five senses

Pleasures Merging Beyond your five senses when they combine with other senses. Sensory systems have been under-explored and considered almost unrelated to one another. Amongst these senses are series of vibrations. These act like a symphony orchestra. When explored and fine tuned. Your body is like a musical instrument that has just been built, shaped and named. Every musical instrument emits it’s own sound. It may look the same as the instrument beside it. When the musician takes it in his or her hand, they feel the definable difference. The musician is identifying with the instrument. Musician identifies through his ability to connect to Pleasures Merging Beyond your five senses.
As an observer, inexperienced in the depths and qualities of the mixture of the physical and the vibrational essences. Every artist extends to his/her own ability to connect to Pleasures Merging Beyond your five senses.
Every human has his/her own environment of extensions to deeper understandings. Your ability to uncover your personal Pleasures Merging Beyond your five senses is right with you at all times. It’s communicating with you at all times. In our personal experiences – ignoring these vibrations that are your were born into can be part of mental and emotional disturbances.
We are born to identify with out inner knowing – not comply with the social ignorance enforced by being fed information. Schooling and study is essential knowledge that becomes a vehicle to navigate our way around those who are not yet awake. You must know your outer world. To do so your ego acts as a link so the inner world can safely express itself. Our main intention is to ensure you know both in order to live an enriched life.
Extreme care must be taken when exploring inner wisdom initially. Inner wisdom has to have a very healthy ego that all therapist are fond of destroying.
Know your ego and empower it before you attempt to connect with Pleasures Merging Beyond your five senses. This is absolutely crucial.
Exploring your senses lead you to personal power. Personal power reveals your innate nature.

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