Services spiritual emotional

Services spiritual emotional. I specialize in treating people who have been through sexual initiation by Tantric masters under the guise of sexual healing. When you mess with energies you do not understand – you place yourself, your lover and your entire life in the hands of a manipulator. Services spiritual emotional involve your spiritual imprint that come with you in this lifetime.

Whatever you were born to live is written in your Soul and spirit. These affect your body and how you express yourself in this lifetime.

As a new born you were a complete and total individual. You had unique movements, sounds and interactions with the world around you. As you grew, you began moving your own limbs to strengthen them for the next stage of your progress.

Living on earth at this stage was all about progress. You were born with your own Services spiritual emotional. And lived it on your personal level.

Services spiritual emotional body integration connects you to your own intelligence system that must be relied upon for you to go to the next level of self awareness.
98% of the people abandon their inner wisdom that they relied upon without having to think about it. Every bit of progress you made was without analysing the next step, you just trusted you. You trusted your next step even when it hurt taking it. You fell and hurt your head and cried. But you still moved forward. You tried again and again until you got there. You never gave up.
If in your development you gave up and stopped your progress, your parents or guardian took you to a professional.

What happened to you since that time? Where did this self assurance go. When did you lose it?

In Services spiritual emotional integration We identify where you lost that momentum. Identify the lie that was imbedded into you inner wisdom. This shines the light on the misinformation that you accepted and continue with your progress.

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