Lingam massage

Lingam massage equally for men and women is all inclusive. It envelops your physical and the unseen realms. Lingam massage brings soul, spirit energies into the physical. This process envelops your entire body. It is a covering or one of the layers of your living being that had been displaced at some point either prior to entering the third dimension or during the birthing process. For some these energies slowly distance themselves due to trauma. Our intention during your lingam massage for both men and women is to bring these energies to the third dimension and anchors them. This grounds you. You begin to feel solid and connected to the life you are meant to live. Out intention is to bring wholeness to your life so you function as body/soul/spirit body. Until then there is a disengagement as the body tries to have relationships mechanically. While doing all the right things; the mind and emotions tend to be disconnected. Lingam is what holds it all together. Distorted interpretation of Lingam Massage has become first option for sexual dis-functions which further separates soul spirit mind body and emotions. It does provide temporary relief and comfort for the un-evolved people. The damage it does is not recognised due to the limited view of the world the participants remain trapped within. These are the lower realms where this is perceived as normal and the answer to survival. While in survival mode higher realms are not even a consideration.

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