Study the language of your body

Study the language of your body. The rhythm the pulse each time of everything you touch and do affects every element around you. University studies have revealed that relationships are based on the time that we used to communicate with one another.

The tonality of how we approach anything since the foundation of trust.

Our lives are very similar to nature around us. You want to approach anything that moves in nature for example a bird or a lizard; you need to first stop. When you stop you become aware of what the bird or the lizard is doing. How it’s interacting with the ground with a plant. When you this study the language of your body you begin to understand the language of nature around you. When you study the language of your body you aware of how important it is to study the language of your partner’s body. Your partner’s body is just the muscles in the bones in the shape of it. But that’s not the language of the body itself. When you begin to study the language of your body you become aware that is more than just the physical elements the pleasure that pain the hunger the desire to touch the just basic needs. Without the language that the cells emit the body doesn’t move it doesn’t dance it doesn’t speak, it doesn’t even desire. The body itself just exists. The language of the body kiss of life.

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