Harnessing Joy through Passionate Living

Harnessing Joy through Passionate Living to achieve your dreams of living a fulfilling life.

  • Live each day as if you only had a few days on earth just like some butterflies.

  • Some species live just one week, many can live for a month.
  • Very few life up to nine months

Dedication living the life you love to live. In this video see a man letting go of control allowing his inner energy to teach him who he is.

    • Have you ever said “I’d give anything to have a life like this.”
    • Many believe that, a few techniques will get them what they want.

  • How to guides are everywhere.Passionate Living
  • For techniques to work first you need to find your passion. 
  • Then that is no longer just a technique.
  • Then that is your life force not controlled or managed by a technique.
  • When you stop controlling and allow it to speak to you. Your energy reveals to you the system you need to pay attention to so new access is encouraged to expand your options and your opportunities.

Energy of emotion comes from motion.

What that means there are patterns  that create the results. Identify your conflict’s first or you’ll never bring in the solution into your life that can change your relationships instantly. 

  • So what is you had a lifespan of a butterfly, what would you differently.
  • How would you act?
  • How would you treat yourself?
  • How would you treat everybody around you?
  • How would you breathe the air you breathe?
  • How would you taste food?
  • How differently would you relate to water you drink??
  • How would you  shop?
  • What would you say when you called someone?
  • What questions would your ask yourself?
  • Who would you spend your time with and why?
  • What would your biggest dream be?

Resources required for Harnessing Joy through Passionate Living.

What would your life be like if you chose to live your life when every moment was precious, where every step you take counts.

Living life that matters significantly we need appropriate tools for Harnessing Joy through Passionate Living.

I invite you to join me in playing with the list above.

  • Remember when you have just a short life you value the joyous moment and only the happy moments.
  • Capture them at every opportunity.
  • Challenges will always be part of life.
  • Deal with them quickly, efficiently and come back to living the life you love to life.
  • By Harnessing Joy through Passionate Living you can live this butterfly life a thousand lives in just this one lifetime.

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